
R. Morris, B. Bonet, M. Cavazza, M. desJardins, A. Felner, N. Hawes, B. Knox, S. Koenig, G. Konidaris, J. Lang, C. Lopez, D. Magazzeni, A. McGovern, S. Natarajan, N. Sturtevant, M. Thielscher, W. Yeoh, S. Sardina and K. Wagstaff. A Summary of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence Magazine, 99-106, 2015.

Abstract: The Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (AAAI-15) was held in January 2015 in Austin, Texas (USA). The conference program was cochaired by Sven Koenig and Blai Bonet. This report contains reflective summaries of the main conference, the robotics program, the AI and robotics workshop, the virtual agent exhibition, the what's hot track, the competition panel, the senior member track, student and outreach activities, the student abstract and poster program, the doctoral consortium, the women's mentoring event, and the demonstrations program.

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