
H. Xu, S. Koenig and S. Kumar. A Constraint Composite Graph-Based ILP Encoding of the Boolean Weighted CSP. In International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP), pages 630-638, 2017.

Abstract: The weighted constraint satisfaction problem (WCSP) occurs in the crux of many real-world applications of operations research, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, etc. Despite its importance as a combinatorial substrate, many attempts for building an efficient WCSP solver have been largely unsatisfactory. In this paper, we introduce a new method for encoding a (Boolean) WCSP instance as an integer linear program (ILP). This encoding is based on the idea of the constraint composite graph (CCG) associated with a WCSP instance. We show that our CCG-based ILP encoding of the Boolean WCSP is significantly more efficient than previously known ILP encodings. Theoretically, we show that the CCG-based ILP encoding has a number of interesting properties. Empirically, we show that it allows us to solve many hard Boolean WCSP instances that cannot be solved by ILP solvers with previously known ILP encodings.

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