
H. Ma, G. Wagner, A. Felner, J. Li, S. Kumar and S. Koenig. Multi-Agent Path Finding with Deadlines: Preliminary Results [Short Paper]. In International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), pages 2004-2006, 2018.

Abstract: We formalize the problem of multi-agent path finding with deadlines (MAPF-DL). The objective is to maximize the number of agents that can reach their given goal vertices from their given start vertices within a given deadline, without colliding with each other. We first show that the MAPF-DL problem is NP-hard to solve optimally. We then present an optimal MAPF-DL algorithm based on a reduction of the MAPF-DL problem to a flow problem and a subsequent compact integer linear programming formulation of the resulting reduced abstracted multi-commodity flow network.

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