
A. Li, P. Stuckey, S. Koenig and S. Kumar. Rapidly Computing Approximate Graph Convex Hulls via Fast Map. In International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (LOD), pages (in print), 2024.

Abstract: Given an undirected edge-weighted graph $G$ and a subset of vertices $S$ in it, the graph convex hull $CH^G_S$ of $S$ in $G$ is the set of vertices obtained by the process of initializing $CH^G_S$ to $S$ and iteratively adding until convergence all vertices on all shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in $CH^G_S$ of one iteration to constitute $CH^G_S$ of the next iteration. Computing the graph convex hull has applications in shortest-path computations, active learning, and in identifying geodesic cores in social networks, among others. Unfortunately, computing it exactly is prohibitively expensive on large graphs. In this paper, we present a FastMap-based algorithm for efficiently computing approximate graph convex hulls. FastMap is a graph embedding algorithm that embeds a given undirected edge-weighted graph into a Euclidean space in near-linear time such that the pairwise Euclidean distances between vertices approximate the shortest-path distances between them. Using FastMap's ability to facilitate geometric interpretations, our approach invokes the power of well-studied algorithms in Computational Geometry that efficiently compute the convex hull of a set of points in Euclidean space. Through experimental studies, we show that our approach not only is several orders of magnitude faster than the exact brute-force algorithm but also outperforms the state-of-the-art approximation algorithm, both in terms of generality and the quality of the solutions produced.

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