D. Furcy and S. Koenig. Speeding up the Convergence of Real-Time Search: Empirical Setup and Proofs. Technical Report College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (Georgia), 2000.Abstract: This technical report contains the formal proofs for all of our theoretical results, as well as a description of our experimental setup for all of the results given in our AAAI-2000 paper entitled 'Speeding up the Convergence of Real-Time Search.' In that paper, we propose to speed up the convergence of real-time search methods such as LRTA*. We show that LRTA* often converges significantly faster when it breaks ties towards successors with smallest f-values (a la A*) and even faster when it moves to successors with smallest f-values instead of only breaking ties in favor of them. FALCONS, our novel real-time search method, uses a sophisticated implementation of this successor-selection rule and thus selects successors very differently from LRTA*, which always minimizes the estimated cost to go. Our approach opens up new avenues of research for the design of novel successor-selection rules that speed up the convergence of both real-time search methods and reinforcement-learning methods. Indeed, our AAAI-2000 paper presents experiments in which FALCONS finds a shortest path up to sixty percent faster than LRTA* in terms of action executions and up to seventy percent faster in terms of trials. In this report, we first describe our experimental setup and then prove that FALCONS terminates and converges to a shortest path.
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